Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What does the Bible say about gossip?

What does the Bible say about gossip?

Much is said about homosexuality. Some is said about adultery. And we take for granted that killing someone is a sin. But gossip is also a sin. In fact it is included among the above listed sins in Romans 1 as a fruit of idolatry. If we worship a product of our imagination, idolatry, God gives us over to a debased or worthless mind! (Rom. 1:28-32) In my parish ministry I have never dealt with someone guilty of murder except the guilt incurred from hatred. (Mt. 5:21-22) But I have seen gossip and I have seen the ill effects it has on people. I have also had little support from the congregation to rebuke and reprimand the gossiper because most people think it is just being human. Gossiping is part of our natural selves. It is not a part of our spiritual selves. When we are born again, we leave our old self behind and put on Christ who clothes us in righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10) We gossip because God has given us over to our worthless minds. The only solution is to see our guilt, gossip's harmful effects, and repent of our sinful behavior. If you are a gossip which includes listening to it, Read Romans 1 and ask God to change your heart that you may have grace to worship Him in truth and spirit. If you know someone who is a gossip, share this message with them reminding them that we all stand guilty before God! But it is Jesus who took our place on that Cross taking our debt upon Himself. If we are to gossip, let us gossip the Good News of Jesus Christ!

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